Register & Fees
SCC Membership Fee
- $28/season + GST. All people registering for league play, or as a spare, will be required to pay the membership fee.
League Dues
- GST will be added to the cost of the league. If you register for more than 1 league then you will receive a multi-league discount (see details below).
- Monday Morning Mixed League - $235
- Monday Evening Men's League - $235
- Tuesday & Thursday Morning Senior Men's League (counts as 2 leagues) - $430
- Tuesday Evening Ladies League - $235
- Wednesday Morning Stick League - $235
- Wednesday Evening Men's League - $235
- Thursday Evening Open League - $235
- Friday Morning Ladies League - $235
- Friday Evening Social League - $200
- Sunday Fun League (10 games) - $110
Multi-league Discounts
- 2nd League: $40 discount (2nd league is $195)
- 3rd League: $125 discount (3rd league is $110)
- 4th League: $185 discount (4th league is $50)
- 5th League: $235 discount (5th league is Free)
- 6th League: $235 discount (6th league is Free)
If you register for 1 or more leagues you are allowed to spare in any other league at no cost.
Curl BC Fee
- $22. All people registering for league play, or as a spare, and over 13 years of age will be required to pay the Curl BC fee.
- $50 + GST. This option is for anyone that does not register for a league but would like to register as a spare. Your name will be added to the spare list where you will indicate which leagues you are available to play in. We don't monitor how many times you play as a spare, the $50 charge is meant to allow you to spare 5 times, if you play more than 5 times you are asked to let the club know how may additional times you curled and pay $10 (+ GST) per additional game played.
New Member Discount
- First time members of the Summerland Curling Club that sign up to play in 1 or more leagues will be given a $100 discount!
Locker Rental
- $20 + GST per season. We have a limited number of lockers available and last season all lockers were rented. Members that rented a locker last season are offered the option of renewing their locker rental before other members will be given the option to rent.
- All fees are based on a yearly rate and are due in full by October 31, 2024. Note: Make your payment once an emailed invoice is sent to you after the online registration form is submitted.
Accepted Payment Methods
- Preferred method - Interac e-Transfer to
- Debit card payment at the club
- Cheque
Registration Form
- Access the online form HERE. Please make sure to complete all required fields accurately before submission.
- To be a member of the club you must fill out the applicable waiver form.
- If you curled in a prior season and signed the liability form, your signed liability form is on file and valid for 2024/25. No further action is required.
Adult Waiver.pdf | RELEASE OF LIABILITY, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT to be executed by participants over the Age of Majority (age 19 or older) |
Minor Waiver.pdf | INFORMED CONSENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT For Participants Under the Age of Majority (age 18 or under) |